Our Story

Sharolyn Sidebottom and Connie Harris have been friends since 1998 when God literally put them together. God had to since they had nothing in common but Him. Their husbands soon became best of friends as well and then tragedy struck. Lee, Connie’s husband, had a massive heart attack while sitting in a barber’s chair on September 19, 2001. Jerry, Sharolyn’s husband, never regained consciousness after injuries sustained in a car wreck, October 17, 2001, and passed away on the 22nd. In 33 days both of their men were gone. In the months that followed, Sharolyn and Connie found themselves held in the grip of God’s grace as they learned to walk with God as never before. “No Time for Goodbyes” describes the story of their journey. This book as been instrumental in bringing many into the healing grace of God who has suffered loss.

Non-profit 501c3 organization

About a year after the death of our husbands it became apparent that God was bringing resurrection life out of death. Founded in 2003, WWMM became active in women’s conferences, seminars, and product development to help people grow even in the midst of devastating “events of life”. Life happens!…but, it’s not so much what happens “to us” but what happens “in us” in the midst of the life event that determines our outcome.

Our Vision

Walk With Me Ministries is dedicated to sharing the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to inspire, encourage, and equip believers to walk worthy of the Lord, being fully pleasing to Him and fruitful in every good work.

We are on a journey into the awe-inspiring heart of God to discover what touches His heart. We invite you to go with us as we take the compass (the Holy Spirit) and the map (the Word of God) and follow the Spirit and Truth as they take us deeper into what it means to hear our Heavenly Father say, “Walk With Me!”

“Walk With Me”

The phrase, “Walk With Me” represents two meanings. First, we hear God saying, “Walk With ME!” Today a lot is said about God Walking with us, but to truly be His disciples we must learn to walk with Him. He has to be in the lead. Secondly, we began to say early in our friendship “just walk with me.” That statement usually was following, “I don’t like you right now, but…” We were so different and had an uncanny ability for offending each other…yet we knew God had put our friendship together. We found that simple phrase somehow allowed God’s grace to come into the offense. Each time the supernatural grace of God healed the hurt and produced a greater strength and unity of relationship than before.

Let Us Introduce Ourselves

Sharolyn Sidebottom

Co-Founder & CEO

Sharolyn is the mother of 3 sons and 3 granddaughters who call her Mimi. Sharolyn has a Master’s Degree in Church Growth and Revitalization. She has experience as a Youth Pastor, Children’s pastor, and Associate Pastor. Sharolyn has also authored several books.

Connie Harris

Co-Founder & CFO

Connie is the mother of 1 son and 2 daughters with 6 beautiful grandchildren. Lee and Connie were youth pastors in Broken Bow, OK. Connie has also worked with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Connie is co-author with Sharolyn of “No Time For Goodbyes”.